5월, 2015의 게시물 표시

Mock job interview reflection

Finally we did a mock job interview last wednesday. There were a bunch of questions that people could ask to candidate and the seats were well-prepared for practice. Also we needed to record what I had with interviewers. It makes me much more nervous...!! But it was really fun and good experience. First of all, I felt really nervous (as i already mentioned) even though it was just a practice. When I feel nervous, I usually speak fast unconsciously. And in this time, I did it as well.. All the questions were related to my background experiences. (I am sorry to say that interview didn't ask me what i prepared..). Also I found some grammar mistakes and the problem for putting my eyes when I talk with the interviewers. (=Eye contact). About the questions, I really feel that I need to be well-prepared about "Tell me yourself". I feel like I need to make an order what I need to say first, second, third,... Sometimes I briefly introduce myself and give the motivation why...


In this time, I joined the scene study group! Same as the other days, It is so much fun watching american dramas and studying the script together. But, I want to suggest some opinions making much better hangout next time! First, maybe it is better to have a discussion choosing some scenes or one episode. As all the people can find the short scenes, we can talk about just one exact story. Today was good, but maybe because people prepared each american drama's scene, it was hard to understand the scenes in a short time. Second, Words and Expressions can be one of the small discussion topic. Like quotations, we can discuss about what does it mean in this movie. Because I think that sharing ideas can make much better meaning compare to its own meaning. Third, We need to prepare the questions before the hangout. It was very sorry to say that nobody had a question about each person's script (even me..). So before we have a hangout, we need to prepare at least 2~3 questions in t...

Tell me about yourself

Even though It was not the first time to have a practice for the job interview, I really felt nervous and everything was messed up in my head. I usually had a difficulty in answering "What is your weak point?" and "Tell me about yourself". Because when I talk about my weak points, I cannot think how my weakness can change to my strength. Also Talking about myself also has some problems. First, unless I didn't organize and memorize it, every time I mixed it up.  So I usually wrote a paper and tried to memorize it. Second, as I memorized the paper, I cannot answer the impromptu questions about me. Because I knew what I wrote down and memorized according to the paper. So nowadays, I am trying to organize the information in my head and say properly in front of people. No matter what information I want to convey to people, I am practicing to give my opinion correctly. Even though I still have a time to have job interviews (Military service is first....), I want to...

2nd SHELF PROJECT - The Bucket List

1) PART 3 : FIND THE JOY After finishing the travel, Carter passed away before Edward. Before he died, he left a letter for Edward. In this part, Carter narrated what he wrote down in the letter and Edward realized what he needed to do. 2) PART 4 : HE SAVE MY LIFE Edward came to Carter's funeral and had a funeral oration. He said what he did with Carter during the months and what he felt about Carter.  The process of the project - I want to focus on discussion because the script is quite easier compare to other movie. As the main idea is about the bucket list, I want to discuss about the dream or ideal things. Because everyone can have their own bucket list and we can share the idea what people want to do before they die.  This is the link for the script with discussion question! About the voca, I will find definitions with some example sentences!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8Fc3I5dNKaEZ3RZQnY1SFAwalk/view?usp=sharing ...

2nd SHELF Project

My first SHELF project was a Music Video analyzation & discussion (about controversial ideas). It was so much fun and interesting for me. And in this time, I want to try to do a study group with other members. Last time, I just joined their works and I felt that it could be helpful for me to studying English. So I chose a movie "The bucket List". But I wonder how to cut the scene in this movie. Because the moment what I want to share is around 5 minutes. As soon as I confirmed the part, I will post the script and share the parts of movie!

2015.05.10 Gyeongju one-day travel!

Last sunday, we went to Gyeongju for sightseeing! The reason why we chose this place was that just the ticket price was so cheap! (round trip : 9600 won!) So we went to there after finishing lunch and visited some famous places. These are some pictures that I took at the moment~

SHELF PROJECT : Sia - Elastic Love hangout Review

When we prepared for the topic "Music", we were really having difficulties in deciding exactly what will we show on the hangout. Even though there were a lot of opinions, we couldn't make it in detail. But, after we confirmed what we will do, we made a good process for preparing and did quiet a good job in my opinion. Around 30 minutes, we had a conversation about the music video "Elastic love". The music video was quiet controversial but a lot of opinions made the conversation's quality better. For the perspective of language learning, I felt it was good to have a conversation or discussion with other guys (if you have someone who can study together). While you exchange your opinions between other guys, you can suggest or refute other's ideas. Also, in the lyrics, people may not some parts of lyrics and can get some help from others. Recently, I just found the one way for learning the language. It is a slightly different idea for learning langua...

SHELF PROJECT : Sia - Elastic Heart

We will discuss about the lyrics and the music video in this time!!