In this time, I joined the scene study group! Same as the other days, It is so much fun watching american dramas and studying the script together. But, I want to suggest some opinions making much better hangout next time!

First, maybe it is better to have a discussion choosing some scenes or one episode. As all the people can find the short scenes, we can talk about just one exact story. Today was good, but maybe because people prepared each american drama's scene, it was hard to understand the scenes in a short time.

Second, Words and Expressions can be one of the small discussion topic. Like quotations, we can discuss about what does it mean in this movie. Because I think that sharing ideas can make much better meaning compare to its own meaning.

Third, We need to prepare the questions before the hangout. It was very sorry to say that nobody had a question about each person's script (even me..). So before we have a hangout, we need to prepare at least 2~3 questions in total.

Last but not least, What I want to say is that it's okay to analyze the script (like find the definition of words and quotations) but at last, we need to share the idea about the movie/drama (So I may prefer to choose one movie or some scenes which are in a low)

Anyway, Thank you for everybody to do "scene study" and hopefully next time, we can do it much better!!!


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