Panel Discussion topic!

Last but not least! my last shelf project will be with yeonji and bora! and we will discuss about Korean current wedding culture. Nowadays people got married late compare to the past. In the past women usually got married in the middle of 20s and usually for men in the beginning of 30s.

So we want to discuss about

1. Why the wedding trend is changed compare to the past?
2. Do we need to get married? (Do you want to have a husband/wife?)
3. If you want to get married, when will be appropriate for you?
4. Discussing about "DINK(Double Income No Kids) / PINK(Poor Income No Kids) / DINPET(Double Income with Pet) / DEWK(Dual Employ With Kids)"

It will be our last SHELF Project, but I hope we can do another hangout with controversial topic after the exam!!

P.S) Sorry I misunderstand about the project! this one will be our panel discussion on hangout!


  1. Question number 4 is quite interesting !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for our discussion!


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Can men and women be just friend?

SHELF (Second Half English Learning Fun) project